There are remarkable differences between hemp oil and CBD oil. Hemp oil, also known as hemp seed oil, comes through the process of cold-pressed hemp seeds, which are always unrefined. Although hemp oil has its benefits, it does not contain CBD.
On the other hand, CBD oil, or cannabidiol, comes from Cannabis Sativa, a plant that produces marijuana. People use CBD oil to cure various illnesses, ranging from depression, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, etc. To know more about hemp oil vs. CBD oil, read on as we delve deeper!
Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil: Key Differences
The key difference between hemp oil vs. CBD oil is that they’re products of different varieties of the cannabis Sativa plant.
Most people tend to get confused when they see these two terms. The confusion comes from the fact that hemp and CBD are close to the same classification of plant. For clarity, hemp oil contains a higher percentage of CBD, while CBD oil has very little amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with most of the cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Also CBD oil is produced from the whole plant while the hemp oil is produced from hemp seeds.
How The Two Are Made?
You can start making your own CBD oil by growing a hemp plant. Hemp plants are sowed with seeds on soil free of unwanted vegetation. Its seeds are planted close to each other, and they grow close to four inches. The amazing thing about this plant is that it grows rapidly within 60 days, which you can notice by its flowers. After 60 days, you can harvest your hemp plant.
After harvest, you should air and allow it to dry in an open or ventilated environment. To this for about 3 to 4 weeks before concerning the production process. Once you notice that it is very dried, you can separate the flowers that have more content of Cannabis from the whole plant and then begin the extraction process.
The extraction of Cannabidiol dried leaves from its plant and manufacturing them into consumables is possible through diverse ways.
It Can Be Extracted With Carbon Dioxide.
Under a low temperature, Carbon dioxide ( CO2) can be used to extract cannabinoids. Condensed carbon dioxide will make it cool and extract the oil completely without a trace of chemicals. For this to be done, you will need huge equipment.
It Can Be Extracted with Ethanol.
Extraction with ethanol is a popular and powerful method that people use to produce CBD oil. This extraction has to do with dipping the hemp plant into an alcoholic substance so that it will drain out the CBD Oil.
It Can Be Extracted Using Oil.
This method is common to those who make organic DIY products. Here, you will have to boil and cook it in a carrier oil. Examples of carrier oil are olive oil, coconut oil, and others.
Another method is to combine ethanol extraction with fractional distillation in a two-step extraction process. This method waxes, lipids, and chlorophyll from the oil, thereby creating a truly full-spectrum oil that contains both cannabinoids and terpenes in high amounts.
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp seed oil is made through a cold-pressing method. It involves squeezing hemp seeds to extract their oil. The process starts from de-shelling the seeds to remove the external husk. Hemp oil has extraordinary dietary benefits yet doesn’t contain any apparent cannabinoids, particularly CBD and THC. Before squeezing the seed into oil, you need to clean it 99.9% to eliminate all leaf matter.
Then stack the seed into containers of cold expeller press heads. These heads bring out the oil by expelling the seed. The temperature you should maintain while squeezing the seed for oil is 40ºC at the press head. Normally, the oil remains at the temperature for quite a long time. Then you can allow it to cool. Right after this, the oil should have cooled to 30oC. Then, you can filter the hemp seed oil by pouring it into a filtration processor. As the filter removes unwanted solids, it leaves you with a clean and clear hemp seeds oil.
Effects and Benefits
Both CBD and Hemp oil have amazing benefits. In this section, we will discuss each one of their benefits and their impact on users.
CBD Oil Benefits
- CBD oil alleviates addiction. After researching humans, scientists observed that CBD oil could assist in bringing down addictions to tobacco and heroin.
- CBD helps to reduce insomnia and make one fall asleep right on time.
- It is a natural cure for Different researchers have reported that CBD oil gives great relief from anxiety and stress. That is why it is highly recommended to Buy CBD Oil for Anxiety over the hemp oil if you are suffering from it.
- Studies have acclaimed that CBD oil helps to reduce general pain in the human body. It was suggested by an animal study from the European Journal of Pain that CBD relieves pain and inflammation, which is caused by arthritis when applied to the skin.
Hemp seed Oil
- Hemp seed oil serves as food oil and dietary enhancement. In comparison with other culinary oils, hemp seed oil is low in fat. This makes it the main consumable oil that contains some essential nutrients and over 80% fundamental polyunsaturated fats and is rich in Omega-3 and omega-6.
- It’s beneficial to the human skin. An investigation carried out by a dermatologist revealed that the oral utilization of hemp seed oil reduces further signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis, otherwise called skin inflammation or eczema. Hemp seed oil is likewise valuable in treating other skin conditions like cradle cap, psoriasis, and skin break out. Moreover, hemp seed oil reinforces the skin and improves its resistance to contamination.
- It relieves pain. Hemp seed oil’s calming properties help to decrease body pain. You can apply hemp seed oil straightforwardly on any aching region for normal relief from discomfort.
- Hemp seed oil is rich in linoleic corrosiveness. Research has proven that eating a regimen high in linoleic corrosive regimen lowers cholesterol and low-thickness lipoprotein (LDL), or “terrible” cholesterol.
Side Effects: Hemp oil vs. CBD oil
Hemp oil
Some of the side effects of excess hemp seed oil are; throat irritation, high blood pressure/hypertension, intoxication, stomach irritation, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes, it comes with skin irritation, especially on skins that are allergic to specific components.
CBD oil
CBD oil’s side effects occur as a result of its mode of application. For example, when you take CBD orally, say 200 mg, and swallow by mouth for 13weeks, it is safe. But when people take a higher dosage, it could lead to unexpected side effects such as low blood pressure, drowsiness, dry mouth, and in some cases, signs of the injured liver may show up.
However, there is no credible information to ascertain if CBD oil skin application is safe or not.
Final Thought
After careful examination of hemp oil vs. CBD oil, we’ve come to realize that both are essential to the human body. It follows that hemp oil has more nutritional benefits while CBD oil gives more health benefits. However, both hemp oil and CBD oil relieve the human body from certain illnesses.